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FUNDED : Apply for the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship

The Accelerating African Women's Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship aims to accelerate the development of climate solutions that benefit African women smallholders and increase the proportion of African women leading climate action.

The goal of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Fellowship is to increase the number of female leaders in climate change who are creating innovations that cater to the many demands of smallholders in African agrifood systems, hence promoting equitable rural livelihoods.

A variety of stakeholders, including smallholders, extension agents, and legislators, will benefit from the creation and dissemination of context-specific information on climate adaptation technologies through the "Accelerating African Women's Leadership in Climate Action" Fellowship.

bolster the negotiating, mentoring, and leadership abilities of African women working on climate change.
Increase the capacity of African men and women working in the field of climate change to integrate gender issues into their practice and research.
In regional and international climate change conversations, give African women climate change professionals more prominence and a voice.


Additional Information

Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
The fellowship programme offers top-notch instruction in intergenerational mentorship, negotiating, and leadership. They'll also take a course on incorporating gender into interventions related to climate change.
The Fellowship will give Fellows the knowledge and abilities to create innovations in climate adaptation that are inclusive of all genders and adaptable to changing conditions, such as climate smart devices. Climate Research and Innovation Projects (CRIPs), which are cooperative climate projects focusing on gender and climate adaptation, will be conceptualised and supported by Climate Fellows. The Climate Fellows will carry out their CRIPs in collaboration with fellow fellows, mentors, or institutional colleagues. Peer learning and the real-world application of technical skills acquired during the Fellowship will be promoted by this activity.
Throughout the project's planning and execution, they will get expert coaching to hone their gender-responsive climate change action skills. The programme will make it easier to connect with a professional network on climate change.
Eligibility Criteria
The following applicants are eligible for consideration for the Accelerating African Women's Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship:
Senegalese, Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and other African nations' women.
African women engaged in a variety of fields related to climate change and gender.
possess a bachelor's degree or more in an agrifood systems-related field.
possess proof of interest in and contribution to gender and climate change, as well as a minimum of five years of work experience.
African women who are actively working to discover answers to the effects of climate change, ranging in age from 25 to 35.
Participants with positions in the public and private sectors in both national and international organisations, including governmental and non-governmental ones.
For the duration of the Fellowship, applicants must reside in an African nation.
Eligible Countries
Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Senegal.

FUNDED : Apply for the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship 0 reviews

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