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FUNDING: Apply for this Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 13 (50,000 usd, and funding to attend One Young World Summit in Canada)

Deloitte is dedicated to combatting climate change, both internally and externally, through its WorldClimate initiative. This initiative aims to set higher standards within the organization, empower professionals, and engage with the wider ecosystem to foster solutions for transitioning to a low carbon economy. As part of this commitment, Deloitte proudly supports the Lead2030 Challenge for SDG13 for the third consecutive year. Through this challenge, the goal is to empower passionate individuals finding innovative ways to tackle climate change.

Aligned with Deloitte's vision to address climate change through ecosystem involvement, the challenge seeks to back scalable youth-led solutions that:

- Mitigate climate change impacts or inspire action in others.
- Address root causes of the issue.
- Showcase the potential for impact and scalability.
- Collaborate with others for broader and accelerated impact.
- Utilize innovative methodologies.

This challenge welcomes young participants from social enterprises, non-profits, or community organizations, operating in regions where Deloitte has a presence.

The objective is to identify impactful solutions that either reduce the effects of climate change or encourage others to take action. These solutions may encompass behavioral changes, technological advancements or their expansion, educational initiatives, nature-based approaches, community actions, or collaborative efforts.

The solutions should create an impact in at least one of the following areas:

- Actively contribute to carbon reduction, sequestration, or transition to renewable energy.
- Support local initiatives addressing climate change impacts and enhancing community resilience.
- Foster meaningful collaborations across stakeholder groups to advance climate solutions.
- Back initiatives fostering job skills, educational improvements, and access within the green economy.
- Mitigate negative impacts of climate change on human, environmental, or societal aspects.

The winning solution will receive sponsorship to attend the One Young World Summit 2024, a US$50,000 grant from Deloitte, and 12 months of mentorship from a team of Deloitte professionals and partners. This mentorship aims to accelerate the solution based on specific needs such as business strategy, data practices, monitoring and evaluation, and product design.

Scroll down for more details and click on the official link below to apply now

Additional Information

Host Institution
One Young World and Deloitte
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
The winning solution will receive sponsorship to attend the One Young World Summit 2024, a US$50,000 grant from Deloitte, and 12 months of mentorship from a team of Deloitte professionals and partners. This mentorship aims to accelerate the solution based on specific needs such as business strategy, data practices, monitoring and evaluation, and product design.
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply now

FUNDING: Apply for this Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 13 (50,000 usd, and funding to attend One Young World Summit in Canada) 0 reviews

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