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FUNDING FROM ENABEL : Call for proposals to support vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses 

In order to promote greater resilience and economic integration for disadvantaged youth in the Kampala Metropolitan Subregion, Enabel is happy to launch a call for proposals. Objectives
The main goal of this Call for Proposals is to enhance and sustain the livelihoods of vulnerable youth, particularly young women, in the Kampala metropolitan area by providing them with access to self-employment opportunities. The specific aim is to support these youth in starting and growing sustainable micro- or small businesses through improved access to quality business development services.

Sectors or Themes
This call focuses on supporting the development of sustainable micro- and small businesses within the following value chains:

- Apiary value chain
- Coffee value chain
- Cocoa value chain
- Small livestock (poultry and piggery) or other agricultural value chains in a mixed farming context where income generation in the priority value chains is significant.

Green Economy:
- Sustainable tourism and hospitality value chains
- Renewable energy value chains
- Sustainable forestry value chains (including agroforestry and both sustainable timber and non-timber products)

Expected Results
- 650 vulnerable youth, including young women, are supported to start or grow sustainable micro- and small businesses through quality business development services.
- The same 650 youth will gain access to affordable finance and capital to start or expand their businesses.
- Best practices in (green/climate-smart) business development services for the economic integration of vulnerable youth will be adopted or scaled up.

Types of Activity
Eligible activities include:
- Acquiring basic raw materials, tools, teaching aids, and learning materials for project implementation.
- Providing training in business development, financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, and technical or vocational upskilling (adhering to recognized quality standards and certification frameworks).
- Organizing recognized assessments and certifications for technical or vocational upskilling.
- Supporting targeted youth in participating in organized training or business support activities, including transportation and food.
- Offering technical assistance, mentoring, and coaching support.
- Providing support for business formalization, such as registration, licensing, and product/service certification.
- Conducting awareness-raising, study trips, benchmarking, peer-to-peer learning activities, job shadowing, workshops, studies, and consultancy activities for capacity building.

Additional Information

Host Institution
Event Duration
The proposed actions should have an initial planned duration of between 15 and 24 months (excluding a 3-month grant closure period). Business support schemes within these actions should last between 6 and 12 months.
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
Funding Information
The total indicative budget available for this Call for Proposals is 650,000 EUR. The contracting authority reserves the right to allocate or withhold funds as necessary.

Grant Amount:
- Maximum: 325,000 EUR
- Minimum: 150,000 EUR
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for grants, applicants must:
- Be a legal entity.
- Be a private not-for-profit entity or foundation.
- Be established or represented in Uganda.
- Belong to one of the following organization types:
- National or International NGO, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, or Foundation
- Business Membership Organization
- Non-profit Business Development Service Provider
- Demonstrate at least 2 years of local expertise and experience in managing business development initiatives and economic empowerment of vulnerable youth and young women in Uganda.
- Be directly responsible for preparing and managing the action with co-applicant(s) (if applicable) and not act as an intermediary.
- Have had an active bank account for the past 12 months.
- Possess in-house financial management capacity.
- Applicants may apply individually or with one or two co-applicants.

Co-applicants must:
- Be a legal entity.
- Be either a public entity, a private not-for-profit entity or foundation, or a private law entity where profit maximization is not the primary objective.
- Be established or represented in Uganda.
- Be one of the following types of organizations:
- Accredited public or private non-profit technical and/or vocational skills training provider
- Semi-autonomous public agency in Research and Development, agricultural extension services, or community development
- National or International NGO, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, or Foundation
- Business Membership Organization
- Non-profit Business Development Service provider
- Cooperative or social enterprise where profit maximization is not the primary objective
- Demonstrate expertise and experience in implementing business development initiatives and economic empowerment of vulnerable youth and young women in the target area for at least 2 years.
- Have an operational governance structure and an active bank account for the past 12 months.
- Sign the declaration form.
Eligible Countries

FUNDING FROM ENABEL : Call for proposals to support vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses  0 reviews

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