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Young leaders can now apply for the What’s Possible Fund 2024, (with grants available to applicants from all regions.)

The What’s Possible Fund, initiated by the Children’s Rights Innovation Fund (CRIF), is designed to support youth activists and community organizers working to advance liberation, justice, and the well-being of children and young leaders. The fund aims to promote diverse forms of activism and organizing, especially those focused on historically and systematically marginalized communities.

The fund is directed by a Participatory Grantmaking and Strategy Making Collaborative, or "The Collaborative," made up of 10 young individuals from countries such as Zimbabwe, Malaysia, The Philippines, Ukraine, Sudan, Benin, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Colombia, and Haiti. Although the leaders are from specific countries, the fund welcomes applicants from all regions.

Key Objectives of the Fund
The What’s Possible Fund supports work that:
- Promotes liberation, justice, and the well-being of children and youth.
- Represents diverse organizing and activism efforts.
- Focuses on marginalized communities.
- Is community-based and culturally connected.
- Strengthens local resources.
- Builds intergenerational networks of care.
- Protects civic spaces and individual freedoms.
- Addresses systemic and historical violence.
- Provides direct support to communities in need.

Types of Grants Offered
- Core Grants: Flexible funding for operational costs such as staffing, supplies, or maintaining digital tools. Available exclusively to youth-led groups.
- Project-Based Grants: Funding for specific projects, new or ongoing, that are youth-led. These grants can support projects within youth or non-youth-led organizations. Funding can also be used for projects already in progress.

Don't miss out on the application deadline which is September 24, 2024.

Scroll down below for more information and click on the official link attached to apply for this opportunity.

Additional Information

Host Institution
Children’s Rights Innovation Fund
Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligibility Criteria
Groups or organisations that fit the following requirements are eligible to apply for the fund:

Youth-Led: Requires three or more young people, ages 11 to 28, to lead.
There are three different types of organisations: unregistered, registered, and informal collectives.
Unregistered Organisation: A legal entity that is not officially recognised by the local government.
Registered Organisation: A legally recognised organisation or one that has received financial support.
Emphasis on Marginalised Youth: Run by and for marginalised youth, including young mothers, stateless people, people with disabilities, Native Americans, LGBTQI+ people, and others.
Affected by Systemic Harm: This program focusses on young people who have experienced violent or systemic harm, such as sexual assault, armed conflict, colonisation, climate change, and other issues.
Under-Resourced Areas: Assisting underprivileged and difficult-to-reach populations, including working-class, rural, peri-urban, and urban areas.
Eligible Countries
All Countries

Young leaders can now apply for the What’s Possible Fund 2024, (with grants available to applicants from all regions.) 0 reviews

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