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Apply to become a Global Good Fund Fellow!

The Global Good Fund creates a better world by investing in the leadership of entrepreneurs working relentlessly to solve our world’s most pressing social issues. Their application process is selective and highly competitive, and also inclusive, constructive, and engaging. They are currently accepting applications for our 2024 Fellowship.

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of for-profit and non-profit social impact organizations. This program is for emerging leaders and  entrepreneurs with diverse ethnic, religious, economic, geographic and gender experiences. Ideal entrepreneurs are dedicated to their own self-discovery and development and must hold a full-time leadership position at their social enterprise which has been operational for ideally two to five years.

Additional Information

Host Institution
Global Good Fund
Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligibility Criteria
The enterprise the candidate leads has been in operation for a minimum of two years
+ The enterprise employs a minimum of two full-time, paid employees
+ The candidate’s role if that of a primary decision-maker, i.e. the role you hold is:
+ C-Suite (CEO, COO,CTO,CFO etc.)
+ Co-Founder/ Founder & C-Suite
+ Executive Director
+ Candidate is committed full-time to running the enterprise
+ The enterprise the candidate is leading is mission driven, meaning that the sole objective is not to make a profit, but also to have a positive impact on society
Eligible Countries
Open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply

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