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APPLY NOW: Open grants for Human Rights Defenders

Are you a human rights defender or activist looking for urgent protection or rapid response funding? Here are some grants you could apply for - all of them are rolling (no deadline). Please share with your networks and if you know of any others do add them in the comments. *Edited to add more opportunities shared since posting.

CIVICUS Crisis Response Fund welcomes applications from formal or informal civil society actors and consortia, including social movements. Grants must be for a 3-6 month period. Amount: US$10,000 - US$20,000 for Advocacy Grants or Resiliency Grants. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

The Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund offers Emergency Assistance,  Advocacy Grants and Resiliency Grants to CSOs under threat or who are responding to broader threats against civic space. Lifeline supports a variety of human rights CSOs, including human rights organizations, journalist associations, student groups, labor unions, think tanks, and others. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

Front Line Defenders offers Protection Grants to improve the security and protection of human rights defenders and their organisations including medical, legal, physical/digital security, and family assistance. Amount: Max. €7,500. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund provides rapid, flexible funding and direct logistical support to women human rights defenders from/working in crisis and conflict-affected areas, working at community, national, regional and/or international levels. No deadline (rolling). For individuals they have an Advocacy Support Stream and a Safety Net Stream. CLICK HERE TO APPLYhttps://wphfund.org/whrds/

ProtectDefenders.eu supports organisations, human rights groups, or communitues defending rights through small grants to develop innovative projects, strengthen your capacities, or to ensure your financial survival. Apply for grants for emergency support, temporary relocation, and human rights groups. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights Rapid Response Grants offer quick, flexible funding to respond to security threats or unexpected advocacy opportunities experienced by women, transgender, or gender non-conforming, activists and human rights defenders. Max. $8,000 for up to 3 months. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

Please share with anyone who would find this useful.

note: Opportunity Tracker is not affiliated with these organisations and suggests you check each donor's eligibility criteria and guidelines before applying.

Additional Information

Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligible Countries
Open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official links to apply

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