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FULLY FUNDED: Apply for this IRI’s global McCain Fellowship for Freedom Program 2024 now!

Application Deadline: November 27, 2023, at 9:00 AM EST

IRI is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the third cohort of the IRI McCain Fellowship for Freedom (MFF). This fellowship, named in honor of Senator John McCain, IRI's Chairman for 25 years, is designed to unite emerging leaders from across the globe in continuing Senator McCain's legacy of cultivating a new generation of democratic leaders on a global scale.

Since 2019, IRI has been actively realizing Senator McCain's vision of advancing political and economic freedom worldwide through the McCain Fellowship for Freedom. This fellowship, inspired by Senator McCain's belief that "free markets are not possible without free people," assembles young leaders from various corners of the world dedicated to promoting democracy and economic liberty. These leaders engage in dialogue with policymakers, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and change-makers, seeking fresh perspectives and strategies to enhance democracy and citizen-centric governance. To date, the program has welcomed 16 accomplished leaders from 15 different countries.

Selection Criteria:
McCain Fellows are emerging political leaders aged between 21 and 40, committed to advancing political and economic freedom in their respective countries. They have demonstrated their leadership abilities and accomplishments, particularly in challenging environments. These fellows represent the potential for transformative change within their institutions, communities, and nations. By participating in this program, these emerging leaders will be integrated into IRI's extensive global network spanning over 100 countries, using their training and connections to catalyze their contributions to free societies.

IRI aims to select up to eight young leaders, considering diverse regions, sectors, and gender identities based on the following criteria:
- Age between 21 and 40
- Not a U.S. citizen
- Proficiency in English
- Significant experience in politics, government, and/or the private sector, with a preference for those with cross-sectoral experience
- A proven track record of advocating for democratic and free market reform
- Occupying a position of authority and leadership within their current career and community

Nomination Requirements:
All applicants must provide a nomination letter endorsing their participation in the McCain Fellowship for Freedom. The nominator should be a professional acquaintance who can attest to the applicant's qualifications for the fellowship.

Key points to emphasize in the nomination letter include:
- How the applicant has contributed to the promotion of democratic resilience and free market principles in their community
- The applicant's demonstration of leadership capabilities and potential to effect political change within their community
- Why the applicant is uniquely positioned to be an outstanding McCain Fellow and how the fellowship will enhance their development as a political change-maker

The nomination letter should be concise, no longer than one page, and composed in English.

Scroll down for more details  and click on the official link attached to apply

Additional Information

Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligibility Criteria
Age between 21 and 40
• Not a U.S. citizen
• Proficiency in English
• Significant experience in politics, government, and/or the private sector, with a preference for those with cross-sectoral experience
• A proven track record of advocating for democratic and free market reform
• Occupying a position of authority and leadership within their current career and community
Eligible Countries
All countries apart from U.S citizens
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply

FULLY FUNDED: Apply for this IRI’s global McCain Fellowship for Freedom Program 2024 now! 0 reviews

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