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FULLY FUNDED TO HUNGARY: Apply for the European Youth Parliament for Water 2024 now!

The European Youth Parliament for Water (EYPW), established in 1998, empowers young individuals to tackle water management challenges and promotes active citizenship. Aligning with the International Secretariat for Water's (ISW) vision, EYPW fosters a dynamic and connected water community across Europe.

The 2024-2030 Youth Strategy revolves around three core principles: mobilize, connect, and empower. Addressing water issues extends beyond conservation to encompass human rights, dignity, development, and social justice. Empowering the next generation is crucial for effective change.

The 16th edition of EYPW aims to educate and support young European leaders, building on 15 previous editions. Objectives include:

- Equipping young people with knowledge on water issues and active citizenship
- Enabling and motivating young people to contribute to shared solutions at local, European, and international levels
- Enhancing youth involvement in decision-making processes and engaging with political decision-makers and professionals

They aim for participants to gain confidence, skills, and knowledge to implement initiatives in their respective countries.

Local partner - GWP Hungary:

GWP Hungary, founded in 2002, promotes sustainable water resource management at national and local levels. They collaborate with key stakeholders, raise awareness, provide training, and facilitate transboundary cooperation. GWP Hungary leads the national Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition.

16th EYPW Theme: Water and Biodiversity

This edition focuses on Water and Biodiversity, empowering European youth to understand the intricate relationship between water and biodiversity. The parliament aims to:

- Raise awareness about the links between biodiversity conservation and sustainable water management
- Foster dialogue among delegations
- Support young water actors in developing a collective vision for water rooted in shared values and objectives

By adopting local, cross-border, and international perspectives, ISW commits to supporting young water actors in developing a collective vision for water. The preservation of biodiversity is a collective responsibility, requiring citizen involvement. A process will be undertaken to support young people in crafting strategic advocacy efforts, leveraging innovative communication channels.

Selected participants will be funded by the organizers to Hungary!

Scroll down for more details and click on the official link attached to apply for this opportunity

Additional Information

Host Institution
European Youth Parliament for Water
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
Here are the benefits of participating in the European Youth Parliament for Water (EYPW):

1. *Gain knowledge*: Understand water management issues and active citizenship.

2. *Develop skills*: Enhance leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

3. *Empowerment*: Become a confident and motivated individual to contribute to water-related solutions.

4. *Networking*: Connect with like-minded young people, professionals, and political decision-makers.

5. *International perspectives*: Adopt local, cross-border, and international viewpoints on water management.

6. *Advocacy*: Learn to craft strategic advocacy efforts and leverage innovative communication channels.

7. *Collective impact*: Contribute to a collective vision for water rooted in shared values and objectives.

8. *Personal growth*: Develop confidence, skills, and knowledge to implement initiatives in your community.

9. *Career opportunities*: Enhance your career prospects in the water sector and related fields.

10. *Contribute to a global movement*: Join a dynamic and connected water community across Europe and beyond.

11. *Address pressing issues*: Tackle water-related challenges and promote human rights, dignity, development, and social justice.

12. *Foster dialogue*: Engage in meaningful discussions and collaborations among diverse stakeholders.

13. *Preserve biodiversity*: Contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and sustainable water resource management.

14. *Influence policy*: Have a tangible influence on political processes at national, cross-border, and international levels.

15. *Lifelong connections*: Establish lifelong connections with fellow participants and professionals in the water sector.
Eligibility Criteria
Here are the eligibility criteria for participating in the European Youth Parliament for Water (EYPW):

1. _Age_: Be between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive) as of the application deadline.

2. _Citizenship_: Be a citizen of a European country or have permanent residence in a European country.

3. _Language proficiency_: Have a good command of English, the working language of the EYPW.

4. _Interest in water issues_: Demonstrate a genuine interest in water management, sustainability, and related issues.

5. _Availability_: Be available to attend the entire duration of the EYPW session.

6. _Commitment_: Commit to actively participating in the EYPW and implementing initiatives in your community.

7. _Background_: Come from a diverse range of backgrounds, including but not limited to:
- Students and young professionals in fields related to water management
- Members of youth organizations and water-focused groups
- Individuals with experience in community development and social activism

8. _Geographical balance_: Ensure a balanced representation of participants from different European countries and regions.

9. _Gender balance_: Strive for a balanced representation of male and female participants.

10. _Selection criteria_: Selection will be based on motivation, experience, and potential to contribute to and benefit from the EYPW.
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply for this opportunity

FULLY FUNDED TO HUNGARY: Apply for the European Youth Parliament for Water 2024 now! 0 reviews

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