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The Youth4Climate Solutions 2024 call for applications is now open! (USD 30,000 GRANT & FUNDED TRIP TO ITALY)

The 2024 Call for Solutions, launched by Y4C and its partners, aims to empower young people in driving transformative climate action.

Recognizing their diverse roles as innovators, entrepreneurs, and agents of change, the initiative addresses the challenges they face in accessing technical, financial, and political support.

Led by the Government of Italy and UNDP, with various partners and youth constituencies, the Youth4Climate initiative seeks to identify, support, and scale youth-led climate breakthroughs across five thematic areas: Climate and Environment Literacy, Sustainable Energy, Food and Agriculture, Nature Assets, and Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Successful applicants stand to receive funding of up to US$30,000, along with technical support, mentorship, and storytelling opportunities.

Scroll down for more details and click on the official link attached to apply

Additional Information

Host Institution
Italy Government and UNDP
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
Each solution that receives an award will be granted funding of up to USD 30,000, based on the submitted work plan and budget. Payments will be disbursed upon completion of specified deliverables and after signing a contract with UNDP. Payments must be directed to a bank account held by the lead applicant (for individual applicants) or by the registered entity that submitted the application.
Eligible Countries
This is open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply now

The Youth4Climate Solutions 2024 call for applications is now open! (USD 30,000 GRANT & FUNDED TRIP TO ITALY) 0 reviews

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