Program Benefits
**Funding Information**
Open calls (available to all eligible organizations) are for short-term projects, typically lasting 6-18 months, with a maximum funding of €40,000.00 for first-time partners. Organizations that have previously received funding from the Climate Fund may be eligible for a higher funding amount.
Eligibility Criteria
The selection criteria for EKOenergy’s Climate Fund projects ensure that short-term projects chosen through open calls align with EKOenergy’s mission and create a lasting, positive impact:
- **Non-Profit Status**: Applications are primarily invited from NGOs, though other entities with non-profit status dedicated to environmental and social impact may also apply, as long as they meet the required criteria.
- **Organisational Capacity**: Applicant organizations must demonstrate their ability to successfully complete the proposed projects. Preference is given to organizations with a proven track record of success, supported by references.
- **Alignment with Strategic Goals**: Proposed projects must align with the applicant organization’s objectives.
- **Community Engagement**: The applicant must have a strong relationship and in-depth understanding of the community the project intends to benefit. Prior community involvement in project planning is required to ensure that the project addresses the community’s needs.
- **Inclusive Projects in Low- and Middle-Income Countries**: Projects must serve priority populations in low- or middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank. Participants should be selected based on a genuine needs assessment, with a strict non-discriminatory approach to ensure fairness and inclusivity.
- **Climate and Environmental Benefits**: Projects must demonstrate clear climate and environmental benefits.
- **Environmental Responsibility and Inclusive Site Planning**: Project activities, installations, or infrastructure must not harm the local environment. Projects should not take place on sensitive land or require the relocation of people or assets. They will not fund projects that result in displacement due to construction or increased living costs.
- **Upholding Human Rights Principles**: All funded projects must adhere to human rights principles, ensuring ethical implementation, including preventing the use of child labor and ensuring fair compensation for workers.
- **Funding Allocation**: The majority of the funding should be directed towards the construction of new solar PV or wind energy installations and other essential technical assets, such as batteries and systems to utilize the energy generated by these installations.
Application Procedure
The following requirements must be met in order for a project proposal to be eligible: A summary of a comprehensive project plan that includes a rough budget, communication plan, and clear exit strategy to ensure its ongoing benefits; stakeholder engagement for meaningful collaborations and the best possible project outcomes; renewable energy advocacy by promoting renewable energy to a wider audience, including local, regional, or national authorities or other relevant stakeholders; and a holistic project approach to benefit the community in a variety of ways, such as enhancing food security and livelihoods, advocating for economic justice for women, or improving access to healthcare and education.