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Fully Funded to Iceland : Apply for the Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA) Fellowship 2024-2025

The 12-month programme known as the Arms Control Negotiation Academy, or ACONA, is intended to give a group of up-and-coming international security practitioners and specialists excellent professional development.

Selection and competition characterise the curriculum. Under the framework of weapons control, technical advancements, and important historical case studies, the extensive training programme covers advanced negotiation skills. A Certificate in Arms Control Negotiation is awarded to participants, who also become members of ACONA's network of upcoming generations of arms control negotiators.

During three week-long workshops, or "boot camps," ACONA Fellows participate in intensive negotiation exercises, expert lectures, and small-group discussions with distinguished scholars and practitioners, along with a conference. Previous speakers at ACONA included Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir and Catherine Ashton, the former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

For ACONA Fellows, attendance at the conference and all boot camps are required. In addition, by the end of their 12-month fellowship, they must actively participate in discussions, collaborate with a small group of fellows on an international research project, and present the project's findings. The fellowship covers housing and transportation costs to and from the most recent Icelandic conference and boot camp.


Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Iceland offers a 12-month fellowship with 16 opportunities per year, starting from July 1 to June 30, 2025. The application deadline is 10th may 2024.

Additional Information

Host Institution
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Iceland
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
During the third boot camp, ACONA participants are reimbursed for their airfare, hotel, course materials, and meals. Fees for applying for a visa and other expenditures are not reimbursed. Two of the bootcamps are held remotely. After finishing, fellows are awarded a Certificate in Arms Control Negotiation.
Eligibility Criteria
ACONA welcomes applications from people of all countries as long as they can demonstrate three to five years of advanced professional or research expertise in one of the following general areas:(1) international peace, security, and global affairs, with an emphasis on U.S.-Russia, China, and EU ties; (2) negotiation and mediation; and (3) nuclear and arms control.The most successful candidates will be able to show proof of several years of study or professional experience in their field, together with evidence of international experience, an advanced degree, and public recognition of their achievements.Records Need:Motivation Letter (the following list of needs is for a motivation letter)A CV or resume that emphasises relevant experience.One letter of recommendation noting exceptional contributions to the field.
Eligible Countries
All Countries

Fully Funded to Iceland : Apply for the Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA) Fellowship 2024-2025 0 reviews

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