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GRANTS: Apply for the LEAP Africa and NYFF Young Leaders Development Funds 2023-2024

The NYFF Young Leaders Development Funds 2023-2024 is now accepting applications with a deadline of September 30, 2023. The Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) is calling for grant proposals from eligible individuals and organizations for the youth leaders' development funds for the upcoming year. These grants aim to bolster, assist, and foster youth ecosystem development within the country. Grants will be awarded to both individuals and organizations who align with the specified thematic areas of focus.

Thematic Areas

The Youth Leadership Development fund has outlined the following priority themes, which closely align with the youth agenda identified through the NYFF's visioning process. Applicants are expected to submit concepts and proposals that resonate with these themes and have the potential to drive significant social change within their communities.

1. Facilitate Good Governance: Proposed projects should support national development plans by promoting active citizenship, leadership development, policy advocacy, and reforms at various government levels.

2. Institutional Strengthening, Transparency, and Accountability: Projects should aim to enhance the strength, transparency, and accountability of institutions.

3. Resolve Fundamental National Questions: Initiatives in this category should address issues related to peace building, equity, social inclusion, cohesion, justice, and the promotion of national values such as patriotism, unity, and empathy.

Grants and Eligibility

• Small Grant: $1,000 (60 individuals)
• Development Grant: $10,000 (64 organizations)
• Catalyst Grant: $50,000 (6 Youth Hubs)

Eligibility Criteria:

• Applicants must be young activists aged between 15 and 35 years, with a track record of working on youth development projects aligned with the thematic areas.
• Demonstrated understanding and experience in strategic planning, project management, and implementation.
• Experience and knowledge of community or team building based on principles of honesty and integrity.
• Must possess genuine means of identification or be affiliated with an institution.
• Must provide 2 reputable referees.

Organization Level:
• Organizations must be registered with the corporate affairs commission of Nigeria or any authorized state/local-level commission.
• Must have a physical address, a corporate account with sound financial standing, and proper records.
• Openness to collaborate with other youths and the NYFF community during project implementation.
• Must possess favorable track records and positive antecedents.
• Must provide 2 reputable referees.
• Catalyst grant applicants must be civic hubs engaged in youth-driven activities within their region.
• Catalyst grant applicants should have partnership capabilities across all states of their geopolitical region.
• Catalyst grant applicants must be equipped to support other organizations through capacity building and institutional strengthening.

Note: Proposals leveraging Media, Art, Entertainment, Creativity, and Technology to drive these pillars are highly encouraged. Organizations can also apply as clusters.


Scroll down and click on the official link below to apply now

Additional Information

Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligible Countries
Nigerians only
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply

GRANTS: Apply for the LEAP Africa and NYFF Young Leaders Development Funds 2023-2024 0 reviews

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