SB58 Conference badges: Apply to be part of the GYDI International Youth Delegation for SB58
ers eager to make an impact at SB58. It is an admitted Observer Organization of the UNFCCC and is affiliated with, inter alia: YOUNGO, ECOS, RINGO, and the PCCB Network.
It is dedicated to empowering youth - for which a SB presents many opportunities, with the right dedication and guidance - while also influencing global climate governance and advancing implementation of climate solutions.
Members of the Youth Delegation will collaborate to achieve substantive impacts across key aspects of SB58, while also receiving capacity building and mentoring support from experts with more than 10 years of extensive engagement in the UNFCCC process. From this enriching experience, they will return home even stronger leaders for climate action.
The deadline for submissions is 12 May at 11:59pm UTC, although they will be reviewed on a rolling basis as soon as received. Applications made after this date will be considered only in the event of exhausting all previously wait-listed applicants.
Short-listed candidates may be asked to join a brief interview.
Wait-listed applications will remain open for review after this date, pending any increase in available GYDI badges from the UNFCCC or in case of any gaps emerging within the chosen Delegation prior to arriving at SB58.
Applicants who are not selected to join in-person may still be considered for other avenues of engagement with SB58 through GYDI, such as by virtual participation or other remote contributions, as feasible.
Additional Information
-Must possess a valid passport and be able to acquire any visa(s) required for travel;
-Must agree to abide by all UNFCCC regulations for the conduct of conference Participants;
-Must be able to participate in at least one full week of SB58 (if not both weeks), as well as online training sessions conducted in the month beforehand.
Financial Criteria:
-All confirmed Delegates must fully support their own travel expenses for SB58;
SB58 Conference badges: Apply to be part of the GYDI International Youth Delegation for SB58 0 reviews
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